Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Beauty of Nature. The Beauty of the Cross

Cardinal Reginald Pole performed his duties during the Reformation period (approx. 1450-1570).  He wrote several treatises, many of which remain unpublished.  In one he commented on Justification:

"At first, God revealed His mysteries in a book given to all nations: the book of heaven and earth.   But men, in their pride and folly, did not understand this law and would have been eternally lost if God, in His infinite mercy, had not given them a second book, the book of the Cross of Jesus Christ, the contents of which are more absurd, more remote from human wisdom than anything that can be said or thought."

-Schenk, W. Reginald Pole: Cardinal of England. London: Longman's Green & Co., 1950.